A surrogacy journal

Follow with me on my amazing journey to give a wonderful couple the joy of a second child!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

So much to update right now!

Yesterday I flew to Canada and finally got in about 7pm. I was all by myself and I was so nervous about flying I almost made myself sick before I even got on the darn plane. The closer we got to the airport the more my hands started shaking.
Anyway, the flights, yes I was on 2 planes, a big one and then this tiny little puddle jumper, were great though. I fought through my nervousness and what not and actually enjoyed them for the most part.
This morning was the transfer. I was told a few days ago that it would be at 9:30 am and to be at the clinic no later than 9:20 with a full bladder. I had to drink 30 oz. of fluids one hour before the transfer. So I get up, shower and drink about 25 oz of water an hour before the transfer time. Call a cab and I'm there by 9:15. I didn't want to wait too long to go in so I tried to get there as close to the time as possible. I let the girls know that I'm there and take a seat. And sit and sit and sit. FINALLY, at 10:30 I get called back, have to go down 4 flights of stairs to another room. There I'm told to strip down so she can check to make sure my bladder is full. Of course it was full! LOL
Then I had to wait another 30 mins for the doctor to come in and finally do the transfer at 11:05am. The one lone ranger embryo that they had thawed very nicely. They said the quality was between good and excellent so thats awesome news! The doctor, who wasn't Dr. Virro because he is once again out of town, did the transfer and said everything looked good. I had to lay there for about 15 mins afterwards then I got shuffled to another room to lay down for another 20 minutes so they could do another transfer for someone else.
Finally, after all that time at about 11:45 I got to empty my bladder!!!!!!!! Talk about relief I tell ya. They had offered me a little dixie cup to pee in to get a little bit out but I told them that if I started going I wouldn't be able to stop. LOL
Anyway, I'm back in my hotel room now. Been relaxing on the bed, feeling very lazy but I know that I need to. Thankfully, I've got a laptop so I can get online thanks to the hotel offering wireless internet in every room. This is a great place to stay, I have to say that. I'm on bedrest today and tomorrow but I'm sure I will need to get up and get a couple minutes of fresh air and something to eat in the restaurant at some point.
Don't worry V&K, it won't be for very long I promise, I just need to get some fresh air for a few minutes.
V called me about 40 mins after I got back in the hotel room. She was very excited and nervous as is K and I can't blame them. I'm going to take great care of this little guy or girl and WE ARE GOING TO BE PREGNANT! LOL Having a Christmas baby.
Thats about it for now. I won't be peeing until I get back home. In fact, as soon as I get into town I'm buying a whole stock of pregnancy tests! LOL
I will update with anything as soon as I can.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Getting worried now.

I'm on day 4 of getting blood taken and if it doesn't show by tomorrow that I've ovulated then I'm going to totally miss my dad's party. I know its kinda selfish but he only turns 50 once and will only have 1 party.
Anyway, I had a couple ovulation predictor strips left that I bought last month and I used one on Monday just to see and it was VERY faint. I used my last one today and the line is almost as dark as the control line so I'm praying that I'm very very close! What I got told today was that they hadn't received the results of the E2 today yet but so far there was no sign of ovluation yet. I'm hoping that since the coordinator at the clinic now has my email addy she will email me when she is in tomorrow morning and let me know what it looks like now.
I'm going to go crazy with all this stuff now. If I don't know for sure tomorrow that I've ovulated then I have no idea how I'm going to get in contact with my doctor to do an ultrasound or if he will even do it over the weekend. This is terribly frustrating and I'm trying to chill out and wait but its hard. Hope to know more tomorrow.....

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The human pincushion...

Well I'm on day 3 of my estradiol and LH tests and I'm really starting to feel like a human pincushion. The first day was just fine. I've had blood drawn many many times so it wasn't anything to have it done again. Well the second day comes and I get a new gal doing it and she used the exact same spot from the day before to get blood from and OMG it hurt so bad! I went this morning, got the same girl as yesterday and told her she really needed to use the other arm today. LOL Have no idea what is in store for me tomorrow but I won't be letting them use the same spot as today. Its still sore and that was over 12 hours ago as of right now.
I'm hoping I only have 2 more days MAX of blood draws and then its time for the ultrasound to measure my lining again and as long as thats good we are well on our way to transfer time. YAY!
I am leaving on the 29th and the tickets say I'm coming home on the 2nd but that could very well change if I don't ovulate in the next day or 2. Lets hope and pray that ovulation comes tomorrow because I'm ready to be done being poked and to move on to pregnancy. Oh yeah, and I'm going alone this time so say an extra prayer that I don't get lost. LOL

Monday, March 21, 2005

First test today!

This morning I went in and had my first E2 (estradiol) test. It was just a quick blood draw and thats it! At first they said it would take 4 hours to get the results but this morning I got told that it would only take an hour. Not sure which it is because of course they never called me so I'm waiting to hear if they did get the results and to make sure they were faxed to Dr. Virro. I hope they were and I'm pretty sure they were but you never can tell so I have to check! LOL

I did another home test this morning myself so I would have an idea of when I would ovulate myself since they aren't going to call me and it said no but I do have the hormones in my system so I know it will be soon. As long as its on or after Wed of this week I will be happy. I don't want to be gone for Easter and I want to be home by April 2nd so those dates will work good. LOL Now watch, I will ovulate before or after Wed, Thurs, or Friday and will miss something! It would be my luck but if thats the case then so be it. We are trying to make a baby here! LOL

Well I heard from the clinic and they said the info got faxed and they received confirmation that it got there. This is good news and now I don't have to worry about it anymore. I'm positive that they will do a great job.
And my flight is booked now. Leaving on March 29th and coming back April 2nd. Now we just have to wait and see when I ovulate to find out the day of the transfer.

Friday, March 18, 2005

We may have a date....

It looks like we have a VERY tentative date for the transfer. March 30th or 31st. HOPEFULLY! I want to be back in time to celebrate with my dad.
Anyway, I'm getting nervous right now because the lady at the agency put doubts into my head!!! I'm so upset about that. She now is telling me that I don't have a 28 day cycle and that I will ovulate later than expected and therefore have to stay later than I really want to. To make matters worse, I might have to go by myself this time too. It wouldn't be so bad except 5 whole LONG days by myself not being able to go anywhere and being so far away... Needless to say I'm going to be bored out of my mind! LOL
We will just have to wait and see how it goes though. Somehow it will work out again just like it always does. BUT this time, we ARE going to have a transfer and so help me, that little bug is going to snuggle in and stay put for the next 9 mths! Thats what I'm, all of us, are hoping for. This is a very special and much wanted little embryo. Lets take our hopes a little bit farther and hope for a little girl too! LOL
As long as its healthy and happy, I will be happy.
Ahhh, just a little more waiting and then some more waiting and hopefully another 9 months of waiting.

Smile! It makes people wonder what you are up to! :)

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Holy Hormones!

WOW! I think I did MUCH better when I was actually taking extra hormones than I am today. I can't believe how horrible I've been. Heck, I don't even want to be around myself today if that gives you any idea how bad it is.
My poor kids got yelled at all day, I don't know if I said more than 5 words to Ansil and I blew off work for fear I would really offend someone! LOL

I'm on an antibiotic for my ear infection, and nasal spray for decongestant. Thats it, so I know it has to be my hormones. I felt it coming, I just had no idea it would be this horrible.

Anyway, I think I have everything worked out with the clinic to start testing for ovulation. They said the lab is open on Sundays so starting on CD10 shouldn't be a problem and they do ultrasounds on weekends too so getting that done had better not be a problem either! LOL It looks like we are a go with everything so far and I hope and pray that my lining actually gets nice and fluffy on its own. Now if these hormones would go away......I might actually be able to enjoy the good news!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Always something

Well, it just figures! I've been sitting here with cramps patiently awaiting the arrival of the dreaded witch and now I think I've ended up with an ear infection! Where in the world did that come from? I have no clue but it sure is annoying and painful. Everytime I swallow, it hurts in my ear. When I breathe in, I can feel the cold air IN my ear and I've been feeling this way for 8 days now. So, tomorrow, its off to the clinic I go whether they want me to come or not. Its gotten worse today and now its making my whole ear hurt. Too many doc appts for me lately. Oh, and guess what? There are many many more to come! LOL Lucky me.

I wish AF would just show up now. My patience is running thin. We've waited long enough, its time something good happened to us and boy am I going to be upset if this first try doesn't work. The Lord works in mysterious ways.........

Monday, March 07, 2005

I think I missed something.....

LOL Well, I started testing to see when I ovulate and I think I missed the day!!! I tested all the way up to day 19 of my cycle and still nothing. Now I know for a fact that I ovulate before then so I decided to just quit testing. When this cycle starts the doctors will do the testing with blood tests everyday until the day I ovulate.
Right now I'm having all the classic signs of the onset of AF but thats it. If it decides to come a little early, like tomorrow, I certainly won't complain. If it came now, we would definitely be back in time for my dad's 50th birthday party. If it comes when we expect it then we might have to miss it. I don't really want to but if thats what we have to do to make this baby then lets do it! LOL I'm ready to try again like yesterday so I'm not so patiently waiting right now. The time can't seem to go by fast enough and I've been trying to stay as busy as possible.

So, now its back to trying to stay busy and make the time go by. Until next time........