The nuchal translucency test
Well, I hope you all know that I'm going to report nothing but the best news! LOL Everything so far from just the ultrasound anyway, looked absolutely awesome!!!! The baby is measuring at 12 weeks, which is about 5 days ahead of schedule and the NT was less than 1 which is great too! I had to have blood drawn which was being sent to a lab and there they measure 2 proteins in my blood and those results coupled with the u/s results will say there could or could not be a chance of the baby having downs. I'm going to say that all is well and the baby will be healthy as ever!
Now, it took the u/s tech a whole hour to get the baby in the right position to measure the NT, which is like a pocket of fluid at the back of the baby's neck. He needed to see the nasal bone AND the spinal cord at the same time. When we got there the baby was doing good and just as he was about to measure it the baby moved. So he pushed a bit on the baby (my tummy) to try and get it to move and no luck. He had me cough a few times to try and no luck with that. Sooo, he tried a couple more times to push it around and the little stinker rolled over on its stomach and curled in a ball!! LOL Oh that was so cute and so funny. I had to roll over on my side for a few minutes to see if that worked and it did.......a little but not enough. Then I had to fill up with loads of water AGAIN, about 20 oz I would say. And finally he was able to get what he needed. The genetic consultant said that based just on V's age the baby had a 1 in 450 chance of having downs which amounts to about 99.75% NOT. This is very good news.
And, in all this I did ask if he was going to be nice enough to give us some pictures of the baby and he said he sure would as long as it cooperated. LOL He would have anyway but it was funny.
So, V&K, since I know you are so anxious to see this little one and the u/s tech said that they scan really nicely (which I had done with my own) I scanned one of the pictures so here you go before it comes to you in the mail! I hope you enjoy it because I know I smile every time I look at it. Love you guys!!!!
Now, it took the u/s tech a whole hour to get the baby in the right position to measure the NT, which is like a pocket of fluid at the back of the baby's neck. He needed to see the nasal bone AND the spinal cord at the same time. When we got there the baby was doing good and just as he was about to measure it the baby moved. So he pushed a bit on the baby (my tummy) to try and get it to move and no luck. He had me cough a few times to try and no luck with that. Sooo, he tried a couple more times to push it around and the little stinker rolled over on its stomach and curled in a ball!! LOL Oh that was so cute and so funny. I had to roll over on my side for a few minutes to see if that worked and it did.......a little but not enough. Then I had to fill up with loads of water AGAIN, about 20 oz I would say. And finally he was able to get what he needed. The genetic consultant said that based just on V's age the baby had a 1 in 450 chance of having downs which amounts to about 99.75% NOT. This is very good news.
And, in all this I did ask if he was going to be nice enough to give us some pictures of the baby and he said he sure would as long as it cooperated. LOL He would have anyway but it was funny.
So, V&K, since I know you are so anxious to see this little one and the u/s tech said that they scan really nicely (which I had done with my own) I scanned one of the pictures so here you go before it comes to you in the mail! I hope you enjoy it because I know I smile every time I look at it. Love you guys!!!!