A surrogacy journal

Follow with me on my amazing journey to give a wonderful couple the joy of a second child!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

It didn't turn out right :(

Ok. Well, here's the story. We made the flight to Canada and got to the doc. appt on time Friday morning. I was still in high hopes of everything being alright. I mean, heck it had been 10 days since my lining check, surely it would have changed in that amount of time and I only had 2mm to go. I went in for the ultrasound and the tech said that it was still pretty thin. I knew right then what she meant but I still hung on that it was going to be ok. About 15 mins later Dr. Virro came and called me in his office. It was canceled as my lining hadn't changed at all in that time. :( I was crushed, confused, feeling guilty, and a ton of other emotions. He did say that I had a beautiful and perfect uterus though, even if it wasn't much of a consolation at the time. To try and make light of the situation I told him I didn't know about all that but its worked just fine for me! LOL
Anyway, we left the clinic and went back to the motel. We hadn't had breakfast yet so we went to eat and about 5 minutes before we returned to our room K had called me. What a sweetie! He left a nice message for me saying that we just had some bad luck and not to worry. Well, he called back a few hours later and I was able to talk to him on the phone for the first time! He is just as wonderful as V and was super supportive and understanding of how I was feeling. And of course, he told me that it was ok and that I didn't need to worry or feel bad.

Ansil and I took a much needed nap and then went for like a 5 mile walk around the town. We really didn't get anywhere special but it was nice to get out of the motel room. Ansil and I spent some much needed time "bonding". Something we haven't had time to do in quite a while.
On our way back we stopped and ate since we had skipped lunch and it was almost supper time. Well, just before we got back V had called. Bless her. Once again, we had just missed her call but she promised that she would call the next day. True to her word, she called bright and early. LOL Though she did get me out of bed and I told her she didn't, I wasn't worried because I had already slept later than I had wanted to. As soon as I heard her voice though I wanted to bust out in tears. Being the sweetheart that she is, she supported me and talked me through it. She told me that they are looking forward to the next try already and that everything will be ok.

Dr. Virro has decided that we are going to try a natural cycle. This means that I won't be taking any meds until after the transfer and all I will be taking are the progesterone suppositories. The only difference is that starting about day 10 of my cycle I will need to go to the clinic every day to get checked for ovulation for about 4-5 days. Once I have ovulated, then 5 days later we will have the transfer or try it again. Oh yeah, I have to have another ultrasound in there to to once again check my stubborn lining. The only set back is that he wants us to skip this cycle and start on the next one. This means that we are looking to have the transfer in the very beginning of April. Now I know April is a good month, can you guess why? LOL

K&V, you are very very special people in my life. There is nothing better, nothing I want more, right now than to give you the baby(ies) that you want and deserve. I have to say, this is going to be the longest pregnancy of my life because I will be looking forward to the first time you are able to hold the new addition to your family in your arms.

Well, now that I've said that, are your eyes tired yet? LOL I think its time to go. Until the next time, God bless.


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