A surrogacy journal

Follow with me on my amazing journey to give a wonderful couple the joy of a second child!

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Here we are at nearly 34 weeks already! I'm getting anxious for the birth of this little guy but we have at least 3 weeks before I can relax about going into labor. I'm pretty sure though that I will make it pretty far, past 37 weeks anyway.

I had my doc appt on Tuesday and everything is looking great still. I only gained 1lb in 2 weeks, my blood pressure was 124/66 which is about normal for me and I'm measuring right on! I also asked the doctor to feel around and tell me if he thought this little guy was head down yet. He said it sure felt like it!!! But of course to remember that he can flip flop right up until the last minute. I sure hope hes going to cooperate now and just stay head down. I don't want anything else to worry about between now and the birth.

I'm contemplating packing my bag for the hospital now but I think I will just wait a couple more weeks. I don't want to feel like I'm rushing things and I also feel that if I pack it now, I will be even more anxious for the birth and then time will slow down.
I'm feeling pretty good but I think I'm getting a cold. I really don't want one right now, especially right at the end here but I can't keep all the germs away. Oh well, I'll make it anyway!

I have to get another belly picture taken soon and I'm positive its grown even more! I'm so amazed at skin, how it can stretch and stretch and never break open! LOL Of course my belly is covered with stretch marks but I have light skin so its ok. Besides that, they are all reminders of my wonderful girls and will be reminders of this little amazing guy too!

Now, I just need a name to call him. (Thats a hint V&K) LOL


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